Located at the heart of the European institutions, we guide our clients through the Brussels ecosystem and ensure their influence and input to legislative and regulatory developments.

We support and advocate for both private and public organisations within the European union sphere such as trade associations, National Agencies, NGOs, governments and businesses in Brussels. The team offers regulatory and strategic political insights and supports our clients in all fields of European Union policies.

We analyse and anticipate legislative and policy issues raised by European legislators and help our clients develop public affairs and communication strategies to maximise their interest. We adopt a boutique approach, working hand-in-hand with our clients, using a close-knit and experienced team that sets us apart in a highly standardised market.

Euros / Agency Group is registered in the European Union’s transparency register and is a board member of the European Public Affairs Consultancies Association (EPACA) and a board member of the French Circle of Permanent Delegates (CDPF).

Staying ahead of the curve

Our monitoring unit keeps abreast of the latest legislative, regulatory and policy developments. We benefit from a vast network across the EU institutional environment and Member State representations. We also carry out competitive benchmarking to better understand the interplay of players and identify relevant European funds and funding programmes.


Communicating in Brussels

We organise events (steering committee meetings, themed workshops, conferences at the European Parliament, parliamentary lunches) where key players in the targeted sectors meet. We deploy communication campaigns in order to bring our clients’ concerns to the debate in European media, and ultimately to the desks of political decision-makers. 

Giving you influence at the heart of the institutions

We advise our clients through briefing notes and support in the development of tools (position papers, white papers, institutional booklets). We establish the link with European public decision-makers and build coalition strategies with third parties (interest groups, trade associations, think tanks). Finally, we assist our clients in responding to the European Commission’s public consultations in order to strengthen their visibility and influence on public decisions

Keeping you informed on EU developments

We offer the members of our network the opportunity to meet and exchange at the workshops that we organize on current topics and through the regular publication of online content. We train our clients’ teams on European policies and the challenges of representing interests in Brussels. Finally, we regularly share our expertise with delegations of professionals and students.


European monitoring (monitoring unit)
European Lobbying
Management of professional associations (association management)
European Funding
Networking & communication in Brussels
European Public Diplomacy
Training & reception of delegations
  • Collection of strategic information on institutional procedures and timetables
  • Follow-up to parliamentary committees and sessions
  • Follow-up to the work programmes of the Presidencies of the European Council and of the Council
  • Monitors appointments and movements within places of power
  • Monitoring the work of key organisations (agencies, court of justice, think tanks, interest groups, etc.)
  • Establishment of action plans by strategic subject (legislative package, regulatory actions, comitology, etc.).
  • Mapping of decision-makers and influencers 
  • Plans for high-level meetings
  • Participation in European Commission consultations and working groups
  • Parliamentary work: position papers, organisation of hearings, etc.
  • Coordination and strategy of coalitions with third party actors: Member State representations, interest groups, business representations, NGOs, think tanks.
  • Assembly of the structure (status, object, etc.)
  • Accommodation and permanent secretariat
  • Animation of the community of members and their actions
  • Organization of events and meetings to ensure the sector’s representativeness
  • Analysis of European funding opportunities
  • Assistance in identifying relevant funds
  • Follow-up of European calls for projects
  • Assistance in the drafting of calls for applications 
  • Contact with European Commission administrators
  • Organisation of events
  • Design and development of studies, reports and expert opinions 
  • Development of communication strategies for the European media and decision-makers
  • Management of partnerships with think tanks, NGOs and circles of influence
  • Accompaniment of governments, public and para-public institutions
  • Support to embassies and representations
  • Development and implementation of “soft power” programs
  • Organisation of company delegations and management committees
  • Guided discovery of the European institutions and how they work
  • Adapted sectoral workshops and simulation exercises
  • Specific version for local and regional authorities and their representative associations

The team

Sloan Moreau

Partner, Head of EUPA Department

Laurence Leclercq

Deputy Head of EUPA Department

Sajjad Karim

Senior Director

Marie-Estelle Gontier

Account Manager

Andrea Montarolo

Senior Adviser

Emma Hisel

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