We position our clients at the core of public debate and strengthen their institutional network. We convey their expertise to decision-makers in order to make the most of legislative and regulatory developments.
As one of the largest integrated public affairs teams in France, we offer a unique combination of expertise in public affairs, providing companies, professional organisations, associations and diplomatic missions with valuable insights into their political, legal and regulatory environment. Our goal also includes developing our clients’ institutional discourse and helping them to establish and maintain a long-term dialogue with decision-makers based on trust and confidence.
We comply with the utmost ethical and transparency standards and are officially listed on the register of interest representatives to the French High Authority for the Transparency of Public Life (HATVP). We are also member of the French Association of Lobbying Consultants (AFCL) and fully supports its code of ethics.

Anticipate public action

Our monitoring unit ensures constant surveillance of regulatory developments from the very source of local authorities and national governing bodies. We identify draft decisions and developments likely to impact the interests, reputation or activity of our clients at the earliest possible stage. We provide our clients with strategic recommendations tailored to the political context, the state of public opinion, institutional dynamics and the priorities of decision-makers.


Impact decisions

We bring our clients into dialogue with the right decision-makers, using our in-depth knowledge of political and institutional ecosystems. We work with ministerial cabinets, parliamentary assemblies, administrative authorities but also influential figures in business communities, with a cooperative approach developing the necessary support tools along the way (sales pitches, white papers, etc.). During the examination of legal texts, we combine technical-legal and political expertise to help our clients put forward their proposals to elected representatives, administrations and law firms.

Strategic resource mobilization

We develop dedicated processes and tools to streamline internal communication on public affairs initiatives undertaken with our clients to ensure the alignment of all stakeholders. We identify and involve stakeholders with converging interests, providing general support along the way and working in dedicated task forces when the specific objectives must be obtained.

Lobbying training

Euros / Agency Group is a certified training organization.We support our clients in the development of their internal public affairs operations and provide extended training on public affairs issues to teams in contact with elected officials and administrations. We can design and set up a public affairs department from A to Z, including talent recruitment.


Analysis & monitoring (dedicated unit)
Strategic counsel
Lobbying actions
Public diplomacy
Training & coaching
  • Legislative, regulatory, policy and media monitoring
  • Real-time alert and analysis reporting system
  • Perception audit of companies and sectors
  • In-depth analysis of legal and regulatory frameworks
  • Assessment of regulatory risks and opportunities in a market
  • Supporting your understanding of national issues in the European context, in connection with the EUPA Department
  • Design of public affairs strategies and action plans
  • Dynamic mapping of key players and recommendations for approach
  • Development of argumentations: notes, position papers, bill amendments, etc.
  • Drafting white papers outlining client proposals
  • Fostering and facilitating interest-based coalitions of interest
  • Establishing, coordinating and operating trade organisations
  • Identifying speaking opportunities and organising events including the setting-up of institutional networking
  • Support at all stages of the decision-making process: draft legislation, executive orders, opinions, etc.
  • Organizing meetings and maintaining dialogue with ministerial cabinets, national and local elected officials and administrations
  • Targeted technical actions with regulatory bodies and administrative authorities (DGCCRF, competition authority, CSA, ARCEP, CNPD, CNIL, etc.).
  • Engagement with political staffers prior to major electoral events (presidential, legislative, senatorial, municipal, regional, European)
  • Parliamentary lobbying: preparation of technical proposals, organisation of hearings, distribution of policy notes, etc.
  • Local actions: mobilization of Euros / Agency Territories
  • Media relay by the CORP Department of Euros / Agency Group
  • Implementation of “soft power” strategies
  • Advice to Ambassadors and representatives of their State or international organisation in France 
  • Support to the strategy and comms teams of embassies and States representations
  • Support for the creation of the position of Public Affairs Officer within a company or organisation
  • Assistance in recruiting leadership and public affairs support profiles
  • Public affairs awareness seminars (business or regulatory issues)
  • Simulation exercises for company executives (preparation of hearings, inquiry committees, etc.)

The team

Clémentine Pinet

Head of PA Department

Mathilde Taleb

Deputy Head of PA Department

Gilles Savary

Senior Director

Maëlle Bakouche

Account Manager

Valentin Fanton d’Andon

Account Manager

Ewen Crouzet

Senior Adviser

Jeanne Knop


Marie Coirre


Hugo Chatton


Philippine Re

Join the Departement PA

Special Advisers

Alexandra Lange

Environnement Expert

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