The objective of Vigie 2012: to put forward the European issues within the presidential campaign.
To meet the challenge, Euros / Agency created an innovative website involving the first European fact checking platform: “E/A facts”. Accessible to citizens, the website was conceived to provide political journalists following the presidential campaign with expert views and precise data.
Aiming to let Europe in the campaign, the bias of the website was to produce information directed at medias so they could use it.
E/A Facts permet de déployer facilement des solutions de factchecking, sur tous les sujets.
Vigie 2012 scrutinises the interventions of the candidates on Europe with two objectives: sorting out the truths from the lies, and measuring the European presence in the campaign. Thus the website screens both the interventions of the candidates and the processing of the European themes by 8 national media (written and audiovisual).
- Updated daily, Vigie 2012 offers two different types of information:Qualitative, by checking the candidates’ declarations on Europe (“True or false?”)
Quantitative, with two lead questions: “Which candidate talks the most about Europe?”, “What media talks the most about Europe?”
The Groupe des Belles Feuilles provided itself with the means to meet the challenge: 40 monitors, 30 experts, a decision-making board, a hotline open 7/7 to answer journalists’ questions, and a daily newsletter addressing information to nearly 3000 subscribers.
- Particularly welcomed by the web and social networks since its launch by the end of 2011, Vigie 2012 is currently regarded as one of the most successful fact checking websites. Many medias also took an interest in the experience per se, like Télérama, France Inter, Les Inrocks, Le Nouvel Observateur, France Info, France 3 or Mediapart.
At last, the Vigie 2012 team has been requested by TF1 news staff to lead a live fact checking experience during the weekly political programme “Paroles de Candidats” (Candidates’ talks), which confronts during more than two hours the presidential candidates to a panel of citizens and journalists.