Inclusivity and gender equality at all governance levels, development of employee career paths, corporate sponsorship and reduction of our carbon footprint (in collaboration with the Sami carbon footprint measurement platform), this is a step forward for the group’s CSR approach.
This label guarantees the agencies’ level of commitment to social and environmental responsibility.
Co-designed by the Association des Agences-Conseils en Communication (AACC) and AFNOR Certification, in collaboration with the Syndicat du Conseil en Relations Publiques (SCRP), it covers 4 major themes:
- vision and governance,
- performance of services,
- human resources and social aspects,
- environmental impact of the agency.
Euros / Agency Group has defined 4 axes to structure its CSR policy and act for a more responsible communication:
- Inclusive and equal governance at all levels
- Supporting a cause each year through corporate sponsorship
- Employees development and work/life balance
- Measuring and reducing our carbon footprint.