The Professional Football League (LFP) is an association which manages the activities of professional football in France in accordance with the regulations of the French Football Federation (FFF). It organizes the Ligue 1 and Ligue 2 championships as well as the Coupe de la Ligue, and markets their exploitation rights.
The LFP is faced with a multitude of issues ranging from the taxation of professional football to the development of a sustainable approach by the clubs, the fight against competition piracy and the emergence of a new model of supporterism.
- Elaboration of a global strategy to promote the interests of professional football;
- Declination into thematic action plans (taxation, piracy, etc.) in order to develop a discourse and technical proposals, carried to an extremely wide circle of institutional interlocutors;
- Depending on the legislation under review (PLF, PJL Audiovisuel, etc.), technical lobbying actions were carried out
- Stabilized discourse and proposals on a dozen targeted issues.
- Regular contacts with key decision-makers (Elysée, Matignon, relevant ministries and members of parliament), and a network that has grown over time.
- Favorable avenues introduced into various texts; none of the threats identified at the start of the mission have been implemented.