
Justine Roubaud

Deputy Managing Partner Business Dévelopment

A specialist in public affairs and tech issues, Justine also works on corporate communications.

Justine began her career as a journalist at France Télévisions. She then moved into public affairs and strategic communications.

Before joining Euros / Agency Group, she worked mainly in consultancies (Affaires Publiques Consultants, Publicis Consultants, Interel), helping players in the online services and mobility sectors to position themselves politically and in the media. A football fan, Justine also worked for the organising company of UEFA EURO 2016.

Committed to the recognition of interest representation in France, she has been vice-president of the Association française des conseils en lobbying since July 2022.

Justine is a graduate of the Sciences Po Paris School of Journalism and studied geo-economics at the Institut de Relations Internationales et Stratégiques.


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