
Corentin Orpel

Junior Adviser

Corentin is a junior advisor at Euros / Agency Group. Keen to expand his knowledge and expertise, Corentin joined the COMMS division as part of his Masters at ISCOM Paris.

After starting his career in the institutional sector, Corentin went on to work in the digital sector, where he developed his expertise in social networks.  Following these two experiences, he decided to specialise in public relations and joined Matriochka Influences. 

Thanks to this experience, Corentin was able to develop his lifestyle expertise by working for the press departments of various platforms such as Instagram and Spotify. He also helped set up influencer strategies for the Bumble app. 

By joining Euros / Agency Group, Corentin decided to put his lifestyle profile to good use and learn more about corporate expertise by working for clients on a wide range of subjects, including Vinted, ING, POMA and the Hôpital National des 15-20.

Passionate about the world of platforms, culture and the environment, Corentin draws on the people around him to broaden his field of vision.