
Alexis Leclerc-Dalmet


Graduating with two Masters degrees in information-communication from CELSA (Sorbonne University) and Panthéon-Assas University, as well as the Global BBA from ESSEC Business School, Alexis has been supporting Euros/Agency customers since 2022.

His early career path gave him the opportunity to discover a wide variety of structures: science and digital museum, web media, consulting start-up… On the strength of his first steps, in 2021, he started his first work-study program as a customer and service communication manager for SNCF Réseau, the french railway infrastructure manager. He joins Euros/Agency for his second work-study placement in 2022. The transversality of his experiences, both in terms of types of organizations and missions carried out, is an asset that he puts at the service of his clients.

Committed in the associative sector since 2015, Alexis first became passionate about journalism and the media. He was notably administrator of Jets d’encre, the national association for the promotion and defense of the youth press. He has also been the initiator of several youth press projects. In this context, he was the publishing director of “Politesses”, a unique paper publication resulting from the partnership of 6 young media in the context of the 2017 french presidential election and distributed throughout France.

Gradually, his taste for current events and their upheavals developed in him an appetite for crisis. He first became interested in it from a theoretical perspective: in 2021, he defended a dissertation entitled “From the health crisis to the social crisis, French higher education institutions facing the first lockdown of 2020” and with which he won the dissertation prize of the French observatory of student life. He is repeating the exercise in 2023, working on the media coverage of SNCF controller strikes in the national print media. Within Euros/Agency, Alexis capitalizes on his scientific knowledge to meet the operational requirements of organizations.

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