
Salaheddine Mezouar

President, Euros / Agency AFRICA

Former President of the General Confederation of Enterprises in Morocco (CGEM). Former Minister of Foreign Affairs. Former Minister of Economy and Finance. Former Minister of Commerce and Industry. President of COP 22.

After a solid experience in the public and private sector in Morocco and Tunisia, he joined the Spanish group TAVEX in which he served as General Manager. He also chaired the Moroccan Association of Textile and Clothing Industries for two years, and the Textile and Leather Federation within the CGEM.

On the occasion of these mandates and having designed the new repositioning strategy for the sector, he was appointed by His Majesty the King of Morocco, Minister of Industry, Trade and Upgrading of the Economy in 2004. In 2007, he was appointed Minister of Economy and Finance, having on this occasion to manage the effects of the global financial crisis on the economy and on businesses in Morocco. During his tenure, he notably adopted strong measures, including the largest reduction in corporate tax rate and the broadening of the income tax base, as well as other tax measures necessary to adapt the Moroccan economy to global competitiveness.

He was appointed in 2013 Minister for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation to implement the royal vision relating to the diversification of economic partnerships, particularly with Africa. He was also appointed by HM the King, Chairman of the Organizing Committee for COP 22. He is currently CEO of Ktrium Investment & Advisory, Senior Advisor of AfDB, Fond Africa 50 and Tavex. He graduated from ISCAE and holds a Master’s degree in economics at the University of Social Sciences of Grenoble.

#Business Diplomacy     #Economy & Finance     #Foreign Affairs     #Former Minister     #Morocco     #Public Diplomacy