
Berengere Paemelaere


After 3 years’ experience in press relations and driven by her curiosity, Bérengère joined Euros / Agency Group in January 2024 as an advisor. 

Bérengère began her university career studying marketing before turning to communications. During her studies, she did an internship with a company in Montreal, where she was able to deepen her knowledge in these fields.

Bérengère discovered press relations during an internship as a brand communications consultant at the Edelman Paris agency, where she then completed a year’s work-study program. After completing a master’s degree in communications and digital creation at ISCOM in Lille, she stayed on with Edelman as a junior and then confirmed consultant.

On a daily basis, she worked with a wide range of players in sectors such as food & beverage, apps, entertainment and real estate/finance. She has advised clients on their communication strategies and reputation issues, both on a corporate and brand level.

Her “corpsumer” expertise enables her to work with both the lifestyle and corporate press. She has a perfect understanding of these worlds and the media that make them up.

Strengthened by this expertise, Bérengère joined Euros Agency to develop her skills and explore new sectors of activity.