
Mathieu Collet

President & Founder

Mathieu is the Founder of Euros / Agency Group, where he manages both its strategy and development. He is a true renaissance man, having worked in the think tanks’, media, political and European affairs and business landscapes before focussing on his entrepreneurial project.

He began his career with Michel Destot, Mayor of Grenoble and Member of Parliament. His professional journey then took him to the National Assembly, within a public authorities association on transport issues, and then to Brussels where he spent four years after a detour via Eastern Europe. In the European capital, he worked with MEP Gilles Savary at the European Parliament, and in the European Affairs Department of the French National Railway Company (SNCF). A project and research manager, he also worked in various think tanks, including the renowned Notre Europe, founded by Jacques Delors.

In Paris, he notably contributed to the Forum de Paris on the relationships between Europe and the Mediterranean, and was then appointed Director in a strategy and communications’ consulting firm where he worked for another three years.

From a blog created in 2005, he founded “Euros du Village”, a media dedicated to the European policy edited in 5 languages. He also founded a NGO for young professionals starting out in communications, journalism, the EU institutions and related academia. Those projects took Mathieu across Europe, enabling him to establish strong links across the continent.

In the meantime, he has also taught European communications’ and served as personal adviser for several institutions, personalities and corporate executives, in relation to the whole spectrum of their public relations, occasionally also working as speechwriter.

A graduate of Sciences Po Grenoble, Mathieu holds a law degree, a postgraduate degree (DEA) in Political Science and a Master’s in European studies from the University of Louvain (Belgium) and the Centre for European Studies in Krakow (Poland).

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